
The Great Big Demon Hunting Agency - Peter Huxley

Författare: Peter Oxley 
Format: e-bok
Längd: 259 sidor 
Förlag: Burning Chair Limited
Utgiven: 2 mars 2023

Netgalley ARC


London, 1868. The streets are haunted by thieves, murderers… and demons from beyond the Aether.

Spencer and Bart are the city’s most incompetent crooks, and they are in deep trouble. Hunted by both police and their fellow criminals, they are forced to consider the unthinkable —going straight.

Forming The Great Big Demon Hunting Agency, they thought their troubles were behind them, but they soon find themselves caught up in a web far more dangerous than they could ever imagine, pitched against demons, criminals and evil magicians.

Why are there so many demons roaming the London streets, and can Spencer and Bart stop them before it’s too late? Who are the mysterious Tappers, and what are they doing with the women they abduct from the streets?

Can Spencer and Bart change the habits of a lifetime and not only stay on the right side of the law, but also save the day?

Mina tankar:

Karaktärerna Spencer och Bart är två lite oväntade hjältar som tar upp kampen mot ondskan i ett London där demoner blivit ett inslag i människors dagliga liv. De nyblivna demonjägarna har mycket att ta itu med. De är ansatta av sin gamla gansterboss samtidigt som de försöker rädda både sig själva och London från ett gäng onda magikers planer. Boken är verkligen en frisk fläkt och är ett riktigt brain candy. Jag rekommenderar verkligen den här boken. Tack så mycket för att jag fick förtroendet att läsa den här boken i förväg.

In English:

The characters Spencer and Bart are two somewhat unexpected heroes who take up the fight against evil in a London where demons have become a feature of people’s daily lives. The fledgling demon hunters have a lot to deal with. They are beset by their old ganster boss while trying to save both themselves and London from the plans of a bunch of evil mages. The book is truly a breath of fresh air and is a real brain candy. I highly recommend this book. Thank you so much for entrusting me to read this book in advance.

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