
Murder On Hunter´s Eve // Morgan Stang

Serie: The Lamplight Murder Mysteries #3 / E-bok: 398 sidor / Utgiven: Morgan Stang (2024-07-11)


A werewolf terrorizes the city of Lamplight!

It's the week of Hunter's Eve, a yearly celebration of monsters, ghosts, and things that go bump in the night. But for Huntress Isabeau Agarwal, the event is a stark reminder that in her line of work, there is never a day's rest.

Murders rock the city, and Isabeau is charged with solving them before the killer strikes again. One, a macabre accident during a dangerous magician's trick gone awry. The other, a slain politician, his disfigured body displayed atop Lamplight's most memorable landmark.

The deaths are seemingly unrelated, until Isabeau learns both magician and politician belong to the same mysterious social club filled with powerful paragons of the city, each with their own hidden agendas—each with a reason to kill.

And during it all, a werewolf stalks the streets, bounding from rooftop to rooftop and claiming the lives of innocent citizens. As Isabeau uncovers the city's secrets, complications arise: the monster and the murders may be connected.

The magician. The police chief. The Ethereal Maiden. The professor. The criminal kingpin. The industrialist.

One may be a killer. One may be a werewolf. All are hiding something.

Jag kämpade verkligen med första halvan av boken. Det segade nåt otroligt och det var nära en DNF. Sen händer det plötsligt massor hela tiden och storyn tar fart. Hela min läsupplevelse gick från 0 till 100 och boken som helhet blir jättebra. Jag gillar faktiskt vad som hände karaktärerna och att allt hade en förklaring. Jag undrar om Stang skrev slutet först och sen hade svårt att få ihop en början. Vem vet. 

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