
A Restless Truth // Freya Marske

Serie: The Last Binding #2 / Ljudbok: 13h 43min / Uppläsare: Aysha Kala/ Utgiven: MacMillan (2022)


Maud Blyth has always longed for adventure. She’d hoped for plenty of it when she agreed to help her beloved older brother unravel a magical conspiracy. She even volunteered to serve as an old lady's companion on an ocean liner. But Maud didn't expect the old lady to turn up dead on the very first day of the voyage.

Now she has to deal with a dead body, a disrespectful parrot, and the lovely, dangerously outrageous Violet Debenham. Violet is everything Maud has been trained to distrust, yet can’t help but desire: a magician, an actress and a magnet for scandal.

Surrounded by open sea and a ship full of suspects, Maud and Violet must learn to drop the masks they’ve learned to wear. Only then might they work together to locate a magical object worth killing for – and unmask a murderer. All without becoming dead in the water themselves.


Precis som i första boken stör jag mig på att sexscenerna tar så stor plats i boken. Jag är inte intresserad a att veta hur kåta tjejerna är på varandra. Jag vill veta hur handlingen, själva grundstoryn, fortlöper. Jag har tröttnat trots att storyn var bra. Ska sälja hela trilogin på Tradera och skita i att läsa #3.

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